Friday, March 7, 2008

That's So Hollywood

Erin Fetherston supposedly had a fashion week party at Villa Friday night. We got there just before it was ending at 10 PM (I was coming from the Gen Art party with a well known actress), and approached the door. The door guy pawned me off on some guy coming out who pawned me off on another guy who let two people in, and then tried to say the party was over. I introduced myself as press and then a small girl spoke up asking which publication I was with. My answer must not have impressed her cause she scoffed at me and turned away – obliviously doing her best to ignore me. She didn’t introduce herself but if she was in change of getting bad press for Erin’s new collection then she was successful. Erin, I recommend that you hire new people… maybe someone not so Hollywood.

Just for kicks you can go to the site listed for Erin on ( It’s not her official site but maybe it should be. Do her people not know how to spell her name?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so hollywood